
Masayuki Okugawa(奥川将行), Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Division of Materials and Manufacturing Science, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University

2-1 Yamadaoka, Suita, Osaka 565-0871, Japan

Tel: +81-6-6879-7480 

E-mail: okugawa(at)mat.eng.osaka-u.ac.jp

I am an assistant professor at Osaka University, researching atomic arrangements of amorphous (glass) and liquids, and their crystallization processes. Currently, I'm mainly studying 3D Additive Manufacturing process development based on experimental observations, computer simulations, and machine learning analysis. 


2024.Sep. 30

The paper have been published in the journal Scripta Materialia. We have proposed that chemical interactions promote the formation of the L10-type FeNi ordered phase, which is expected to be useful for rare-earth-free permanent magnets.


“Promoting the ordering of L10-FeNi phase via chemical interactions with substrate: A molecular dynamics simulation study”Masayuki Okugawa, Dmitri V. Louzguine-Luzgin, Yuichiro Koizumi, Takeshi NakanishiScripta Materialia, Vol. 255, (2025), 116398.



2024 May 11

The paper about the phase-field simulation, which I have been working on since moving to Osaka University, have been published in Acta Materialia. The orderly arrangement of atoms leads to unique properties, and I have proposed a method to estimate the growth rate of the ordered domain by combining experiments and simulations.


Yuheng Liu, Madoka Watanabe, Masayuki Okugawa*, Takashi Hagiwara, Tsubasa Sato, Yusuke Seguchi, Yoshitaka Adachi, Yoritoshi Minamino, Yuichiro Koizumi*,

"Resolving the Long-Standing Discrepancy in Fe3Al Ordering Mobilities: A Synergistic Experimental and Phase-Field Study,"

Acta Materialia, Vol. 273, No. 1 (2024), 119958.



2024 April 3

Ni-based superalloys produced by 3D printers are being researched for applications such as turbine blades, but cracks during and after printing are an issue. A paper on a method for estimating local element distribution in parts that can serve as a guideline for crack avoidance was published in Additive Manufacturing.


The results of this research were also published in the Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun (page 1).

  • Solute segregation in a rapidly solidified Hastelloy-X Ni-based superalloy during laser powder bed fusion investigated by phase-field and computational thermal-fluid dynamics simulations, Masayuki Okugawa, Kenji Saito, Haruki Yoshima, Katsuhiko Sawaizumi, Yuichiro Koizumi, Sukeharu Nomoto, Makoto Watanabe, Takayoshi Nakano, Additive Manufacturing, Vol. 84 (2024), 104079. [View on-line] 

2023 March

Our research result has been published in the Computational Materials Science journal that describes a method for estimating physical properties (such as interfacial energy) in eutectic solidification by combining data assimilation, a machine learning method, with phase field (PF) simulation.

   The phase field method can effectively predict the microstructure formation of eutectic alloys. However, to reproduce the experimentally observed microstructure, a large number of simulation parameters must be correctly determined for each alloy system. In this study, we proposed a data assimilation method based on ensemble Kalman filter to determine his PF simulation parameters for unidirectional solidification of eutectic alloys by optimizing data assimilation conditions. Numerical twinning experiments revealed that the eutectic microstructure could be reproduced, but the four His PF simulation parameters remained unknown. We also investigated appropriate experimental observation conditions for estimating simulation parameters and found that a sufficient observation frequency could be determined from the solid-liquid interfacial velocity.

   Based on these results, we are currently investigating on parameter estimation through data assimilation using in-situ observation experiment data.


  • Data assimilation for phase-field simulations of the formation of eutectic alloy microstructures, Y. Seguchi, M. Okugawa, C. Zhu, A. Yamanaka, Y. Koziumi, Comput. Mater. Sci. 237 (2024) 112910. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.commatsci.2024.112910.

2023 January

Our research results have been published in Materials Transactions. This is the result of the research I started after moving to Osaka University, investigating the behavior of powder in the AM PBF process using the discrete element method (DEM). This research was conducted using a method similar to the molecular dynamics calculations that I have been doing for many years. Optimization of the powder layer formation process on a simulation basis is expected.

  • Raking process for Powder Bed Fusion of Ti-6Al-4V alloy Powder Analyzed by Discrete Element MethodM. Okugawa, Y. Isono, Y. Koizumi, T. Nakano, Materials Transactions, Vol. 64, No. 1 (2023) pp. 37-43. [View on-line]  

2022 November 10

Our research results were published in Materials. This paper proposes from a phase-field crystal growth simulation that it is possible to achieve ultra-fine grain structure by utilizing unique intrinsic heterogeneous nucleation in metal 3D printing of Al-Si eutectic alloys. . By expanding the concept of crystal structure design in metal 3D printing, it is expected to create higher-performance metal 3D printed parts.

  • Effect of Rapid Heating and Cooling Conditions on Microstructure Formation in Laser Powder-bed fusion of Al-Si Hypoeutectic Alloy: A Phase-Field Study, M. Okugawa, Y. Furushiro, Y. Koizumi,Materials, 15 (17), 6092. [View on-line]

2022 July 11

A paper on additive manufacturing of Al-Si eutectic alloys was published in Journal of alloys and compounds, and was reported in the Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun.

     We have clarified that the unique microcrystalline structure in aluminum alloys fabricated by laser additive manufacturing is formed by ultra-rapid heating in an ultra-high temperature field that is 1000 times higher than conventional melting and solidification processes. Alloy design based on this result is expected to enable the creation of new high-performance, low-cost aluminum alloys that do not require rare metals that are expensive and rarely produced.

  • Equiaxed grain formation by intrinsic heterogeneous nucleation via rapid heating and cooling in additive manufacturing of aluminum-silicon hypoeutectic alloy, M. Okugawa, Y. Ohigashi, Y. Furushiro, Y. Koizumi, T. Nakano, Journal of alloy and compounds, 919 (2022) 165812. [View on-line] 

2022 November 4

The research result were published in Nature Communication. In intermetallic compounds, formation of a fine porous structure was found by the molten metal de-alloying method, and the peculiar ligament growth mechanism in the experiment was supported by the calculation of the atomic diffusion coefficient by molecular dynamics simulation.

  • Ultrafine Nanoporous Intermetallic Catalysts by High-Temperature Liquid Metal Dealloying for Electrochemical Hydrogen Production, R. Song, J. Han, M. Okugawa, R. Belosludov, T. Wada, J. Jiang, D. Wei, A. Kubo, Y. Tian, H. Kato, M. Chen, Nature Communication, 13, (2022) 5157. [View on-line]

2021 November 14

Received the 31st Young researcher Award (Academic Category) from the Japan Institute of Metals for "Study on Structural Inhomogeneity and Crystallization of Amorphous Group IV Semiconductors". This encourages me to continue to study even harder:)

2021 年秋賞受賞者一覧